Thursday, July 24, 2014

How to Create Your Own Rainbows for Photographs

Like I often do I see things that seem pretty neat on the Internet and I try to replicate them.  Not that I am trying to copy anyone's style, but I feel like trying different things teaches me a new trick I may use down the road and helps me to be a better photographer.

So I found this cool trick and I decided to pass it on.  One of my favorite pictures I ever took was after a huge upset at a softball game.  As the game ended and the players were celebrating a huge rainbow appeared.  I got the shot of the girls celebrating with the rainbow in the background.  Well what if you could create your own rainbow for any shot?

All you have to do is get your water hose with a spray nozzle.  Set the nozzle on a fine mist.  Either have someone hold the hose for you, or do like I did and prop it up on a tree.  Get the sun behind you or to the side and that's it.  It took me about thirty seconds to set this up.  I am sure if I had tried different color backgrounds or waiting for the sun to get lower in the sky I could have got the rainbow to be a little more vibrant.  But I was not trying to win any awards with this.  I just wanted to see that it would be dark enough to show up on the image.

Now I have one more tool at my disposal.  I'll probably use this in the future with portraits of children playing.  I just wanted to pass this little tip on to others.  Its quick, easy, cheap and best of all you do not even have to leave your house to try it!

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